Submissions are closed

Due to a large number of submission received this year it is necessary for us to close our submissions. We will open them again soon (2020), please check again before sending as you work will be sent back unread.

stampsSubmissions Policy


Stonewood Press is an independent publisher of contemporary short fiction and poetry. With an emphasis on new writing, we’re developing our list nurturing new talent from around the world. We publish high quality short stories and poetry in English.

Short stories

If you have a collection of literary short stories that you strongly believe would suit us, please send:

  • one story
  • a brief outline of the other stories in your collection
  • contents page
  • a biography and publishing history.


If you have a collection of poems you think we might be interested in, please submit:

  • up to ten poems
  • state whether it is part of a full collection or pamphlet and how many poems there would be in total
  • a biography and publishing history.

All submissions must be by post, send to

Submissions, Stonewood Press,
Diversity House
72 Nottingham Road, Arnold
Nottingham NG5 6LF.

We do not publish children’s books, creative non-fiction or drama, and are currently not accepting novel submissions.

Please note we can only publish a few books per year.  We receive a lot of submissions and it may take a while for us to get back to you. Please enclose an SAE for reply. If you would like us to return your work, please ensure the SAE has sufficient postage to cover its return. If no SAE is enclosed and we decide not to publish your work we will recycle your submission.

We do not accept unsolicited submissions via email.


Further information

It is always useful to read the kind of work a publisher is interested in before you send in your submission. Have a look at the books in their list, buy their books or get your library to order them in. The more information you have about a publisher, the better your submission will be.

Here are a few links to help and although they’re about poetry, the same principles apply for short stories:

A well thought- through article covering poetry and short stories – How To Submit Your Writing To Literary Magazines by Krishan Coupland/Neon Magazine. This also applies to send to publishers.

Chris Holifield, PBS – an article about submitting to Publishers & Agents – a good checklist to go through before sending out.

Writers and Artists: Approaching a poetry publisherRoddy Lumsden outlines the route to getting a collection published and advice on when and how to approach a publisher.

Please note: These are independent articles and not sponsored by Stonewood Press.  The authors’ views are their own.
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